latest 20 messages by rysiek|pl

+ [2016-07-29T14:15:31Z] rysiek|pl fsck that:
+ [2016-07-29T14:04:26Z] rysiek|pl doics are almost none-existent, and is doing a 500 CRITICAL SERVER ERROR
+ [2016-07-29T13:20:29Z] rysiek|pl but they get deleted at the end of Jekyll's run
+ [2016-07-29T13:20:21Z] rysiek|pl okay, I am now successfully generating JSONs for each post
+ [2016-07-29T10:35:54Z] rysiek|pl it gives me: jekyll 3.1.6 | Error: undefined method `render' for #<Jekyll::Document:0x00559619a972e8>
+ [2016-07-29T10:28:01Z] rysiek|pl what am I missing there?
+ [2016-07-29T10:27:56Z] rysiek|pl post.to_liquid works, but gives me markdown sauté, not generated HTML
+ [2016-07-29T10:27:34Z] rysiek|pl /post, by the way, is gotten from: do |post|
+ [2016-07-29T10:27:14Z] rysiek|pl but that doesn't work, at all
+ [2016-07-29T10:27:08Z] rysiek|pl post.render( {}, site.site_payload)
+ [2016-07-29T10:27:02Z] rysiek|pl I was trying to use this, which I found somewhere on the internets:
+ [2016-07-29T10:26:41Z] rysiek|pl this is going rather well, but I got stuck on trying to render the posts' text before putting them in json
+ [2016-07-29T10:26:18Z] rysiek|pl I am trying to create a Generator that creates .json versions of all posts (but not pages)
+ [2016-07-29T10:25:57Z] rysiek|pl I am trying to navigate the Jekyll docs and I am failing miserably, so perhaps somebody can help me out here